Here is how to mount a windows/samba share permanently with your /etc/fstab:
First install the cifs-utils package:
# apt-get install cifs-utils
now create a credential file containing your user and password
# vim /home/myuser/.smbcredentials
add following lines:
username=myuser password=mypassword domain=mydomain (optional)
then secure its permissions:
# chmod 600 /home/myuser/.smbcredentials
after that open your /etc/fstab and add following line to it:
//servername/share /mymountpoint cifs vers=3.0,sec=ntlmssp,credentials=/home/myuser/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8 0 0
as a final step run
# sudo mount -a
Some explanations on the fstab line:
vers: this specifies the SMB protocol version, in my case version 3.0
sec: sets the security for the password hashes, here NTLMv2 password hash inside raw NTLM
credentials: sets the file with your credentials
iocharst: sets the encoding to UTF-8
(refer to man mount.cifs for parameter details)