Use SSL with MariaDB/MySQL

Basically you need to create 3 different certificates:

mariadb-ca.crt (Certificate Authority CA)
mariadb-server.crt (Server certificates)
mariadb-client.crt (Client certificate)

Server and client certificate need to be signed by the same CA. Now let’s start with the CA certificate and key:

# cd /var/db/mysql
# openssl genrsa -out mariadb-CA.key 1024
# openssl req -new -x509 -extensions v3_ca -key mariadb-CA.key -days 10950 -out mariadb-CA.crt

Now that the CA part have been generated it is time to generate the server certificate and key:

# openssl genrsa -out mariadb-server.key 1024
# openssl req -new -key mariadb-server.key -out mariadb-server.csr​
# openssl x509 -req -in mariadb-server.csr -CA mariadb-CA.crt -CAkey mariadb-CA.key -CAcreateserial -out mariadb-server.crt -days 10950

Well then, let0s go to the client part, shall we:

# openssl genrsa -out mariadb-client.key 1024
# openssl req -new -key mariadb-client.key -out mariadb-client.csr​
# openssl x509 -req -in mariadb-client.csr -CA mariadb-CA.crt -CAkey mariadb-CA.key -CAcreateserial -out mariadb-client.crt -days 10950

Now that we have our certificates ready, we need to edit our my.cnf. put following lines under the [mysqld] section:


and for the client put this when doing the conneciton:


Last security related step (but not mandatory) is to update permissions so that only mysql has read permissions:

# chown mysql:mysql mariadb-CA.* mariadb-server.* mariadb-client.*
# chmod 640 mariadb-CA.* mariadb-server.* mariadb-client.*

Important notes:

  • Note that you need to copy the mariadb-CA.crt to the client machine
  • The CN field must be different on server and client
  • I chose a certificate period of 30 years, adopt the paths and period to your needs
  • Make sure that the certs and keys are readable by the server
  • I chose a key length of 1024-bit because the longer the key gets, the drastically slower the connections will be. (

FreeBSD network tuning for KVM

ifconfig_vtnet0="inet netmask -rxcsum -txcsum -rxcsum6 -txcsum6 -lro -tso"

The above line is taken from /etc/rc.conf. “vtnet0” is the interface description for a virtIO device, on Hyper-V it is named “hn0”.

-rxcsum-/txcsum: disable Rx/Tx Checksum Offloading
-lro: disable TCP Large Receive Offloading
-tso: disable TCP Segmentation Offloading

The parameters above disable hardware offloading to the network card, this may increase CPU usage but some cards are simply not powerful enough to handle high traffic and some hypervisors are not 100% compatible with these settings.