Installing latest VMware Tools on CentOS

You can find all VMware Tools packages on

They provide an .exe and .iso file for windows and package repositories for different linux distributions like RHEL, CentOS, SuSE or Ubuntu.

Here an example how to setup a package repository for ESXi 4.1 and CentOS5:

  • create a repo file
    # touch /etc/yum.repos.d/vmware-tools.repo
  • then open it
    # vim /etc/yum.repos.d/vmware-tools.repo
  • and paste following text inside:
    name=VMWare Tools Packages for Enterprise Linux 5 – $basearch
  • save it and close the file.
  • now you can install the vmware-tools (desktop) or vmware-tools-nox (server) package.
  • after install reboot the computer

​replace inside the baseurl "4.1latest" with your esxi version and "rhel5" with your os version.