Prepare LibreOffice MSI to deploy with GPO

The problem is that LibreOffice supports multiple languages when installing. So in order to deploy the MSI through GPO you need to set only one language:

  1. Download MSI package from
  2. Download and install InstEd
  3. Open InstEd and then open the libreoffice msi
  4. Select Tables -> Summary Info
  5. Change the language field to 1033 (1033 is for english, adjust for other languages)
  6. Save the file and install it through GPO


Convert KVM raw img to qcow2

With this simple command your can convert raw img to qcow2:

qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 <source>.img <destination>.qcow2

and then edit your virtual domain XML file and replace type="img" with type="qcow2" and update the disk file name.

Done. 🙂