Intel NIC 82579LM install on ESXi 5.1


i had recently the problem that i installed ESXi 5.1 on the local network. Installation and configuration went smoothly but the network card was not recognized. After some reading i found the answer, install a community-compiled driver for that card.

Here a quick how i've got the Intel 82579LM to work:

  1. Download the needed driver here. net-e1000e-2.1.4.x86_64.vib and put it on the disk
  2. Go to your ESXi and make sure that at least your ESXi Shell is enabled then go to the terminal using CTRL+ALT+F1
  3. Login with your root password
  4. Go to the folder you where you stored the driver
  5. Copy the driver to another place
    # cp /path/to/net-e1000 /tmp
  6. Put ESXi into maintenace mode
    # esxcli system maintenanceMode set -e true -t 0
  7. Set the host software level to community
    # esxcli software acceptance set –level=CommunitySupported
  8. Now install the driver
    # esxcli software vib install -v /tmp/net-e1000e-2.1.4.x86_64.vib (path must be absolute)
  9. And exit the maintenance mode
    # esxcli system maintenanceMode set -e false -t 0
  10. That's it, reboot the machine.

Sources: here

Click here for more drivers.