Automatic email forward (Ensim/RHEL)

Hello world 😉

I have written a small Python script that adds or remove email forwards based on a time period. This script has been tested under Ensim Control Panel 10.3 and a CentOS 5 server with Python 2.6. It should also work on Ensim 10.0+ (as long as ensim does not change their filestructure) and RHEL 4+. Maybe it works under Python 2.3/2.4 as well as i only used standard libraries which are included in Python 2.5

There are 2 files in the archive:
* (the main script)
* autoforwards.conf (config file, put it into /etc)

You can launch it manually with the command:
# python

or create a cronjob (which is preferred because of the automation purpose)

Feel free to contact me if you have problems or alike. The license is BSD so do with it whatever you want but don't make me responsible for any kind of problems which may rise with its usage. Read the BSD license first 😉

Download:  Autoforwards for Ensim/RHEL (727 downloads )